
HieixReader-I'm Not Weak, I'm Not Pathetic

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"Aren't you done yet?"  The black haired male growled as he charged forward and slashed at his opponent.

"No."  His opponent, a female with long black hair that fell to her shoulder blades and deep blue eyes, answered as she raised her own sword to block the males attack.  The two jumped apart and stood staring at each other.

"You're an annoying woman."

"I told you to call me by my name, Hiei!"  You growled glaring at the short demon, even though he was a few inches taller then you.  "It's (Name)!  Not woman!"  

"Why should I bother remembering that?"  Hiei stood with his sword at his side.  He wasn't taking you seriously.  

"You'll remember it when I kick you butt!"  You pointed at him with your left hand.  The other held your sword tightly.  

Hiei scoffed.  "That will never happen."

"We'll see about that!"  You charged forward with your sword held tightly in your hand.  As you got close you slashed up from right to left.  Hiei placed his hand up blocking your attack without moving his feet.  You slashed back down, but Hiei flicked his wrist and blocked that attack too.

"Pathetic."  Hiei swung his sword aiming at your arm.  You quickly blocked the blade, but while you were distracted Hiei kicked you hard in the stomach.  Your body was sent flying and it slammed into a tree.  You gasp and some blood flew from your mouth.  Your body slid down to the ground and you sat there motionless looking down at your lap.  "You're too weak."  You heard Hiei's footsteps walk away from you.  Leaving you sitting in the field the two of you were fighting in.  

Where had this gone wrong?  You had been training for days in secret and you thought you were strong enough.  You wanted to beat Hiei, or at least injure him badly.  It wasn't that you hated or disliked Hiei.  No it fact it was the opposite, you have had a crush on Hiei for sometime and the longer you were around helping the Urameshi gang with missions, the stronger these feelings became.  You were pretty tough and held your own in missions, but you were one of the weakest, above Kuwabara of course.  However, no matter what you did, you couldn't get Hiei to acknowledge you.  That's why you wanted to beat him.  You wanted him to at least recognize that you weren't pathetic and you weren't weak.  This was your fifth time fighting him and you had only managed to give him some small nicks.  Meanwhile, you were bleeding from a wound on your right leg and back as well as at least some bruised ribs from that last attack.

"Well what do we have here?"  A voice asked from close by.  You slowly raised your head and saw three large men standing a few feet away.  One of them had five horns on his head and blood red eyes.  The next had a long green tail and a fork tongue.  The last one was the one who had spoken.  He had large black wings attached to his back that was torn and you could faintly see dried blood on them.  The demon with the wings licked his lips.  "What a delicious morsel?"  You gripped your sword tightly not taking your eyes off the three.

The one with the horns chuckled noticing your sword.  "Looks like you got a fighter, boss Ajito."

The boss Ajito, the winged demon, smirked.  "It's more fun that way."  He pointed at you.  "Get her!"  The horned demon and the tailed demons charged at you.

"I'm not going to be defeated by the likes of you!"  You jumped up to confront the on coming demons.  In the blink of an eye, the two demons were dead at your feet from deep slashes in their chests.  You flicked your wrist and the blood from your sword splashed onto the grass.  You scoffed.  "Your demons are nothing compared to who I've been fighting recently."

Ajito smirk didn't fade.  "I want you even more every minute."

"Keep dreaming you perverted loser."

Ajito tilted his head.  "You're a half-breed, aren't you?"

You twitched, you hated being called that.  "Yes.  What of it?"

"A half-breed could never defeat me."  Ajito's spirit energy suddenly spiked up.  Your eyes widened, he was about Hiei's level.  "Those minions were nothing compared to me."  Ajito flecked his fingers showing off his sharp claws.  "Let's have some fun."  This wasn't going to go well; you were already injured from your fight with Hiei.  "Here I come!"  Ajito charged at you with his claws out.

Some time earlier, Hiei had arrived back at the Genkai's temple where the gang was.   It was in between missions, so the gang crashed at Genkai's to train and relax from their normal lives.  Yusuke and Kuwabara were playing the punching machine trying to out do each other.  Kurama was sitting off to the side reading a book.  

Kurama looked up as Hiei entered.  "Welcome back Hiei."  Hiei grunted sitting in the window sill, where he always sat at when he was inside.  "Where's (Name)?"

"Still out there."  Hiei answered shortly.

Yusuke turned to him.  "You left her alone out there."  Hiei ignored him and looked out the window.  "What if something attacks her?"

"What would attack her here detective?"  Hiei turned to look at Yusuke.  "There aren't any other demons, beside the fox and myself, around here."

Kurama spoke up.  "He has a point though Hiei.  You shouldn't leave her out there.  I'm guessing she got banged up."

Hiei scoffed.  "She can handle herself fine."

Yusuke smirked.  "You sound like your complementing her."

Hiei glared at him.  "Don't be stupid.  She's still weak."  Hiei turned back to the window.  "However, she has got strong since she joined."  Yusuke was about to say something, but Kuwabara cut him off.

"Yeah!  Beat that Urameshi!" Kuwabara pointed to the machine, which read one thousand.

Yusuke stared at the number.  "No way Kuwabara!  You cheated!"

Kuwabara glared at Yusuke.  "No I didn't!"  He hit his fist to his chest.  "I'm just awesome!"  The two started to fight much to Hiei's annoyance.  Hiei was about to threaten them, when all four sensed the spike in spirit energy.  They all whipped around to face where it was coming from.

"Whoa!  Where did that come from?!"  Kuwabara yelled.

Yusuke shook his head.  "It came out of no where!"

Kurama looked back at Hiei.  "Hiei didn't you leave (Name) near where that spirit energies coming from?"  Hiei's eyes widened slightly, before they returned to normal and he sped out of the house.

"And he says he doesn't care about her."  Yusuke commented.

"No time for that Yusuke.  We better catch up with him."  Kurama ordered, the other two nodded and all three of them rushed out after Hiei.

Hiei was the first to arrive back at the spot where you and he had been fighting before.  He saw you facing a demon with large black wings.  The demon had a long cut on his cheek that was bleeding slightly.  His claws were red with blood.  You stood facing the demon with your sword still clutched in your hand.  Besides the wounds that Hiei had given you, your side was now bleeding badly and your arms were pretty cut up.  You were breathing heavily and hadn't even noticed Hiei.

Ajito did though.  "Oh it looks like we have an audience."

You glanced over your shoulder and were surprised by who was there.  "Hiei?  What are you doing here?"

"I had to make sure you don't get yourself killed out here.  The others would never shut up if you died."  Hiei drew his sword.  "Now get out of the way woman.  I'll finish this off."

You grit your teeth as you turned back to the winged demon.  "No.  This is my fight."

"Don't be stupid you can't beat him."

"Shut up!"  You screamed.  "I'm not going to end this fight.  I'm not weak, I'm not pathetic."  

Hiei growled.  "If you don't let me step in, you'll be dead."

"It doesn't matter."  You said softly keeping your back to Hiei.

"Doesn't matter?!  Are you stupid?!"

"If I can't win, I don't need to live."

"You moron!  If you're alive you can get stronger, you can't if your dead!"  Hiei was grinding his teeth by now.

"Are you two done?"  Ajito asked looking at his blood soaked claws.  "I'm getting bored."

You tightened your grip on your sword.  "Just stay out of this Hiei.  It's not like you care what happens to me."  You dashed toward with your sword pointing towards the ground to your right.  

"About time!"  Ajito charged towards you with his claws ready.  You slashed at Ajito's head, but Ajito's reach was better and his claws headed straight towards your chest, there was no way to stop the attack.  You braced yourself for the pain.  You felt blood splash on your face, but you felt no pain.  A flash a black appeared in your vision and your eyes widened.

"Hiei!"  You cried.  At the last moment, he had run in front of you and took the attack instead of you.  Ajito's claws cut though Hiei's side.  You caught Hiei holding his up and slashed blindly at Ajito.  Ajito jumped back dodging your attack.  

"Aw how sweet.  I guess he did care about you."  Ajito teased.

You glared at him barring your teeth, before you looked back down at Hiei.  "Why did you do that Hiei?"

"You're too weak, moron."  Hiei coughed, a trail of blood slid down his lip.  "It would have killed you."

You closed your eyes.  "You're the moron."

"Hiei! (Name)!"  You turned and saw the others coming towards you.  Once they got close they noticed that you were holding Hiei's injured body.  

"What happened to the shrimp?!"  Kuwabara asked seeing the blood.

"He took an attack for me."  You looked over at Kurama.  "Kurama can you help him?"

"Of course, (Name)."  You laid Hiei on the ground so Kurama could look at his wound.

Yusuke looked over at Ajito.  "So this is the guy, huh?"  He cracked his knuckles.  "I'll get rid of him."

"No."  You stood up.  "He's mine Yusuke."

"But," Yusuke was going to argue, until he saw the fire burning in your eyes, "alright (Name).  You better win though."

You nodded.  "I will."  You stepped forward gripping your sword so hard your knuckles were white.

"Oh, did I make you angry?"  Ajito teased.  "I'm guessing you love that little demon by your reaction."
"You're right.  I do love him."  You got into fighting stance.  "And I'm going to kill you for hurting him!"   Your spirit energy suddenly exploded causing your hair to whip around you.  You heard the sounds of surprise from your team mates behind you, they never seen you like this.

"It seems hurting that puny demons has awakened your power."  Ajito licked his lips.  "I can't wait to devour you."

"I'll kill you."  You mumbled under your breath.  You looked up at Ajito; your once blue eyes were now bright red.  "I'll going to cut you into pieces!"

"Let's see it then."  Ajito charged at you with his claws out and ready.  As he got close to you, you disappeared into thin air.  Ajito slid to a stop and looked around.  "Where are you honey?"

"Right behind you darling."  You answered standing right behind Ajito.  Before he could turn around, you slashed at his back ripping him open.

Ajito gasped falling to his knees.  "You are stronger."

"Yes, thanks for that."  You raised your sword over your head.  "Now die!"  You plunged your sword down into Ajito's neck.   He let out a strangled sound as the blade pieced straight though his neck before he went silent forever.  You pulled out your sword and let Ajito's body fall limp to the ground.  You wiped your sword on the grass to remove the blood before you sheathed it.  You turned and walked back over to your team mates, your eyes back to their normal blue.

"That was awesome (Name)!"  Yusuke cheered.

You smiled.  "Thanks Yusuke."  You then kneeled down next to Hiei.  "How is he Kurama?"

"He'll be fine.  I stopped the bleeding and bandaged the wound.  He should make a full recovery very soon."  Kurama explained.

You let out a sigh of relief.  "Thank God."

"Moron."  You looked down and saw that Hiei was awake.  He looked over to Kurama.  "Fox."

Kurama nodded.  "Sure Hiei."  He stepped behind Yusuke and Kuwabara and started pushing them away.  "Okay, you two let's get back to the house."

"Hey!"  Kuwabara yelled.  "What's the rush?!"

"Yeah!"  Yusuke agreed.  "We just got here!"

"And now we're leaving so come on."  Kurama continued to push them until they were out of sight.  You blinked wondering what that was all about.


You snapped back to Hiei with wide eyes.  Did he just say what you thought he said?  "Hiei, did you just call me (Name)?"

"It is your name, isn't it?"

"Yes, but I didn't think you bothered to remember it."

"Idiot, of course I did.  I remember everything about you.  From when you joined us after the makai bugs were released to how you managed to win your rounds at the Dark Tournament to the simple fact that you love vanilla and cats and that you hate the cold and spiders."  You stared at Hiei, he noticed all those things about you.  "I noticed everything about you."

"Why Hiei?"

"Stupid girl."  Hiei raised his hand and placed it on the back of your neck.  He pulled you forward and slammed his lips on yours.  Your eyes grew to the size of dinner plates and you froze in place, unable to believe this was happening.   It was only when Hiei's tongue licked your lips that you snapped out of it and were able to respond.  Your eyes slid closed as you opened your mouth to his tongue.  Hiei's tongue quickly invaded your mouth and swept over every inch of it, memorizing every spot.  You groaned sliding your arms around Hiei's neck and playing with his surprisingly soft hair.  After Hiei's tongue had searched your mouth, it licked your own tongue to get it to join.  Your tongue rubbed on Hiei's as an encouragement and his tongue twisted around yours.  Hiei's other hand rested on your hip as he pulled you closer to him.  You moaned tightening your grip on Hiei as your tongues danced together.  Hiei slowly pulled away from the heated kiss and rested his forehead on your own.  "I notice those things because I love you, you moron."

You ignored the moron commented.  "I love you too Hiei."

"You better," Hiei kissed you softly, "because you're mine now."

You smiled.  "I can live with that."

"We better get up woman."  Hiei shifted to get you off his lap.

You didn't move though.  "Hey!  What happened to calling me (Name)?!"

"Why would I call you that?"  Hiei smirked.  "I don't think you have beaten me in a fight yet."

"I'll show you."  You placed your hands on Hiei's shoulders pushing him down to the ground so you were pinning him.  "There now I have you."

"Really?"  You yelped as Hiei flipped you two over so he was on top.  "I think it's me that has you."

You pouted.  "No fair."

"Who says love is fair."  Hiei smiled down at you.  It took your breath away, you never saw him smile before.  "You have to beat me if you want me to call you by your name again."

An idea came to you and you smirked.  "Fine, if I can beat you with a sword," you put your arms around his neck, "then I'll have to beat you another way."  You pulled Hiei down and kissed him, pushing your tongue quickly into his mouth.  Hiei's tongue met you and the fight was on.  The fight for dominates had begun.

A fanfiction I wrote a while ago with Hiei and the Reader. Hiei is hard to write a romance for, but I'm happy with this one.

Please don't reprint anywhere or ask to write more to this story. Thank you.
Hiei and Review Picture © Yoshihiro Togashi

Story/Fanfiction © :icon13youko:
© 2012 - 2024 13Youko
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Lollolkiwi26's avatar

Oml *nosebleeds* This story is so cute UwU