
UryuxReader: Pride of the Quincy Part 41

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You and Uryu had a nice, yet sometimes awkward dinner with your parents and your dad keeping a close eye on Uryu. After dinner was finished, you walked Uryu to the front door.

“Thanks again for day Uryu. It means a lot to me that you were willing to meet my parents.”

Uryu smiled slipping his shoes on. “I told you Kasai, it was no big deal. I like your parents.”

You smiled. “Well still thanks.”

“You’re welcome.” Uryu leaned down and kissed you lightly. You placed your hands on his chest and happily kissed him back. You thought you heard a whine, but you ignored it focusing on Uryu’s lips on yours. He slowly pulled away from the kiss leaving your breathless. “I’ll see you tomorrow. I’ll come pick you up in the morning.”

“Okay, I’ll see tomorrow.”

Uryu softly kissed you again. “Goodnight (Name).”

“Night Uryu.” Uryu then turned and left your house. You sighed with a large smile on your face. You heard a squeal and turned around. Your mom and dad were peaking out from the kitchen, your mom was the one who squealed and you could practically see hearts around her head. Your dad wasn’t as enthusiastic as she was; he had a large pout on his face.  You decided it was better to make a quick escape. “Um, I’m going to bed.” You quickly ran upstairs to your room and went to sleep with a huge smile still on your face.

The next morning, you got ready to go to school, said good bye to your parents and met Uryu outside waiting for you.

Uryu smiled when he saw you. “I thought it would be safer to wait out here for you.”

You giggled. “You’re probably right.” Who knows what your dad might put Uryu though, he might have forgotten a few questions last night. You and Uryu happily walked to school holding hands. “And once you left last night, I had to make a hasty retreat up to my room. My mom was squealing in joy and my dad looked like was about to start crying at any moment.”

Uryu chuckled. “Your parents are very interesting and they both seem to love you very much.”

You smiled. “I love them too. I just hope dad can come to not freak out every time you’re around,” you placed your head on his shoulder, “because I want you to be around for a long time.”

Uryu kisses your hair. “Perfect because I plan to be around for long time.” You smiled and you saw your school come into view. You and Uryu entered the classroom and saw that your friends were already there.

“There’s the love birds.” Ichigo smirked as the two of you entered the classroom, still holding hands.

You ignored the comment and smirked. “So your on time today Ichigo. I’m shocked.”

“I’m not always late.”

“Sure, you're not.” You and Uryu took your seats and soon after the teacher came in and class started. Nothing much happened, until ten o’clock. You were calming sitting in class taking notes, when suddenly you felt a large pressure that seemed to shake the earth. Your head shot up and you stared at the window where you could feel the intense pressure coming from.  rom the corner of your eye, you saw Ichigo was also looking out the same window.

Ichigo hand shot up. “I have to go to the bathroom!” He then got up and rushed out of the room.

You threw your hand up. “My stomach hurts! I’m going to the nurse!” You ran out after him. You heard some more yelling followed by your teacher yelling stop. Soon Uryu, Chad and Orihime joined the two of you.

“What the heck is that?” You asked as your group ran out of the school and towards the spirit pressure. “It doesn’t feel like a hollow.”

“I’m not sure.” Ichigo said pulling out his Soul badge that he received from your trip to the Soul Society. He smashed it to his chest and became a Soul Reaper. His human body fell to the ground. “Orihime, can you run my body somewhere safe?”

“Sure Ichigo!” Orihime grabbed Ichigo’s limp body and dragged him away.  

“There seems to be three of them.” Uryu commented from your side. “All three seems very strong.”

“And they don’t seem like Soul Reapers.” Ichigo added. “Whoever they are, they aren’t here for a good reason.”

You nodded. “Let’s hurry up and get there!” You, Uryu, Ichigo and Chad sped up heading towards the unknown enemy. Ichigo was right, whoever they were, you knew it could only mean trouble.

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anaki037's avatar
Heroes on the go! XDSuper head